Report of the
One Hundred and Eighty First
Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

Fredericton Inn Fredericton N. B.
Wednesday & Thursday
June 15th – 16th 2022


May 23rd, 2022
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace
London, England, UK

Your Majesty

It is my most pleasant duty, and beg leave to present and convey to you, the following message for an on behalf of the Officers and Members of the Loyal Orange Association of Canada.

The officers in members of the grand orange lodge of British America present their humble duty, and as we celebrate this, Your Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee of 70 years as our gracious Sovereign. We express our appreciation in Your Majesty for sending the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall (His Royal Highness Charles Prince of Wales and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall) on a Royal visit to Canada as part of Your Majesty’s Jubilee Celebration.

Their visits to St. John’s NL, Ottawa and the N.W.T. were much appreciated and will be fondly remembered. We do here send our expression of Loyalty and continued support to Your Majesty, The Monarchy, and The Crown.

As you continue in your Reign, as a shining example to the values of Honor, Duty, and Commitment, it is our earnest and sincere Prayer, that Almighty God’s Divine Providence will spare Your Majesty, and members of The Royal Family for many years to come.

For M. W. Brother Donald Wilson, Grand Master & Sovereign, Officers & Members the Loyal Orange Association of Canada.

I am and remain, your humble and obedient servant.

  1. W. Brother John D. Chalmers

Grand Secretary of Canada



Wednesday June 15th 9:00 AM session.

The officers of the Grand Lodge being in their cheers of office the Grand Master and Sovereign called meeting to order, and following the opening ceremonies the 181st session of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada was declared open in the Royal Scarlet Degree at 9:00 AM, by the Grand Master and Sovereign M. W. Bro. Donald Wilson.



The Grand Master & Sovereign made the following appointments for the duration of these sessions.                                Acting Deputy Grand Master James Allan

Striking committee: Bro’s William Johnston & Gerald Budden

Credentials committee/registration: Bro’s Michael Thomas & Donald Smith

Deputy Grand Lecturer: Bro. Richard Glover

Grand Tylers: Bro’s Terry Good & John Arksey

Press Committee: Bro. John Chalmers




Royal star lecture was repeated by Bro’s Richard Hetherington and Richard Glover.


Royal Scarlett Degree Business


No business in the Royal Scarlett Degree was received or brought up at this meeting.

Moved by Bro. John Chalmers and seconded by Bro. Danel MacDonald that the Grand Orange Lodge would reduce to the Orange Degree. (Carried.)


Reduced to the Orange Degree


The Grand Orange Lodge was then reduced by the Grand Master who advised the Grand Lodge was now working in the Orange Degree and instructed the Deputy Grand Master to advise the Sentinel and Tyler.


Interim Report of the Credentials Committee


Will your credentials committee beg leave to report the following:

  • voting delegates: 45
  • Visitors: 1
  • total registration: 46

Moved by: Bro. Michael Thomas
Seconded by: Bro. Darrell Barr

That the Interim Report of the Credentials Committee be received. (Carried.)


Striking Committee Report


To the most workable Grand Master, officers and members of the grand orange lodge of Canada. The striking committee reports the following standing committee nominations: (Chair is first named).

Striking Committee:                                                               Credentials:

William Johnson WC                                                               Michael Thomas OW

Gerald Budden NL                                                                   Donald Smith NL

Darrell Barr WC


Correspondence:                                                                  Finance:

Clyde Crane NL                                                                       Don Guy OW

Sean Allen WC                                                                         William Segui OE

Allan Borden NB                                                                    Bruce Penny NL

Dennis Glazier OW                                                                Robert Short WC

Ryan Campbell OE                                                               Fred Williams NB


Suspensions & Expulsions:                                          Constitution & Laws:

Calvin Yeo OE                                                                          Gerald Budden NL

Mark Aiken OW                                                                       Donald Wilson PQ

Ron Murphy WC                                                                     John Chalmers OW

Gordon Morgan NL                                                               Roy Dawe NL

Calvin Johnson NB


Insurance:                                                               Resolutions:

Roy Dawe NL                                                                           Donald Smith NL

Jim Pike OE                                                                             Ross Davidson PQ

James Allen PQ                                                                     Ian Gillespie OW

Tom Wright OE

Richard Hetherington WC


Move by M. W.  Bro. Gerald Budden

Seconded by M. W. Bro. William Johnson

That the Report of the Striking Committee would be received and accepted as presented. (Carried.)



Report of the Grand Master

To the Officers and members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.


It is with great pleasure I welcome you to this 181st session of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada held at the Fredericton Inn in the city of Fredericton, New Brunswick.

We have now met in city of Fredericton for the 7th time, and though we receive exceptional services provided by the Fredericton Inn and its management and staff, it is now time to change venues. The new executive will be providing the location of our sessions to be held in 2024.



As members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, we pledge our loyalty and allegiance to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It is a great moment in time with Her Majesty celebrating her Platinum Jubilee making her reign of 70 years, the longest reigning monarch in British history. May she continue with great health and happiness as she continues her reign. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.



Because we have not had a session since 2018, we have to report a far greater loss of members then would normally be the case. And though they are not with us today, we remember them and the contributions they made to our illustrious order. As they look down on us from the great Grand Orange Lodge above may they rest in peace knowing the brethren they left behind continue to work for the betterment of their Order. To the families left behind we offer our condolences, they are greatly missed by all.



M.W. Brother John Chalmers has continued over the last four years to produce our information platform, the Sentinel. Here our lodges can post future and past events, keeping the rest of our order abreast of the happenings in Canada. Our editor endeavors to print all events as possible, though due to the size and number of articles, not all information provided can be printed. I appreciate being able to contribute my own message on my thoughts and opinions, and enjoy reading our Chaplains message. Over the last few years, the Sentinel has returned to dedicating two pages to the Royal Black Institution and as well, offering the same to the LOBA, giving all a broader knowledge of the other branches of our order. I encourage everyone to contribute to the Sentinel. It is available by print and on our Grand Orange Lodge of Canada website.



The Orange Benefit Fund has thrived under the leadership of its CEO Michael Strain and dedicated staff. The new president of the board of directors is Brother Steven Willard with M.W. Brother Roy Dawe now as the vice president. With the combined efforts of the board and staff, OBF has achieved considerable success over the last four years with continued growth in sales.

As was announced several years ago, all legal issues were dealt with to the satisfaction of the board and OBF.

The last eight years, a reorganization of OBF has been required by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions or (OSFI) is an independent federal government agency that regulates and supervises more than 400 federally regulated financial institutions and 1,200 pension plans to determine whether they are in sound financial condition and meeting their requirements. This has caused major changes to how OBF operates, and requirements on who can sit on the board. I can now report we have a clean bill of health from OSFI.

GOLC must now examine our ownership of OBF and the benefits it has for the Order. A reduced ownership with a yearly income from OBF is a possible option we need to investigate. As it now stands, OBF, other than the fine products it offers, has become more of a liability to G0LC than a benefit.



This last four years with Covid is something that, in our lifetime, we have never experienced before and resulted in the pausing of all meetings for two years. I have endeavored to attend meetings across Canada, unfortunately, I was not able to attend personally to all jurisdictions. One of the road blocks I faced was overlapping of several grand lodges making personal attendance impossible, I hope this can be rectified in the future. Also, with the members of the executive having health issues, we were unable to attend many of these meetings. It is with great appreciation I wish to thank M.W. Brother James Pyke Grand Marshall of Canada for his assistance in representing me at many of the sessions.

In 2018 I had the pleasure of representing Canada at the Imperial Council meetings in Edinburgh Scotland, where my personal feelings on the approach of gaining new membership was well received. My words were that the primary lodges need to actively recruit new members by verbally meeting with members of our communities and asking them to join. We can no longer wait for them to come to us.



As everyone knows the passing of M.W. Brother Robert Smith was a shock and a great loss to our association. I attended the orange service for Brother Smith in Sussex New Brunswick, met with his family, and I was able to give our condolences on behalf of GOLC.

In the fall of 2018, I met with representatives of the provincial jurisdiction where we had very active and positive participation on how we needed to change our recruitment methods. The results of this meeting gave us some more tools to help in the search for new members with a new tri-folder outlining the Orange Order.

Information on the session was to be forwarded by your provincial representative, with the tri-folders to be made available in the future.

Grand Orange Lodge of Canada no longer maintains an office with OBF, due to restrictions with the pandemic the existing office required more space for the staff. This resulted in a decision that the Grand Secretary would need to relocate. At this time the office of the Grand Secretary is located at his residence and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

I have striven to represent our order across Canada and in Edinburgh Scotland to the best of my ability and to maintain the principles we profess in these last challenging four years. I wish to thank John Chalmers, Roy Dawe and our past Grand Master Gerald Budden for your support during my time in office.

To the members of the Orange order, I thank you for your support and friendship, you are all truly remarkable people and wish everyone the best in the future.

God Bless
Sincerely and Fraternally
Donald L. Wilson
Grand Master and Sovereign June 15th 2022


I would like at this time to make a couple of announcements to the members present, you will see R.W. Brother James Allan Grand Master of Quebec sitting in the Deputy’s chair. I have appointed him to act as deputy for these sessions, he has stated he will not run for Deputy Grand Master in our forth coming election of officers. The grand master of New Brunswick has declined to act as Deputy Grand Master during these sessions. The jurisdiction of Quebec being the next senior provincial grand lodge in Canada Brother Allan has so agreed to act in this position.

As well I have been approached by many members to stay on for another term so the new Deputy Grand Master is given some experience before he assumes the Grand Masters position.

I have agreed to stand for re-election to the office Grand Master for an additional two years only. This is if the membership so wishes.


Moved by: Bro. Richard Heatherington
Seconded by: Bro. Donald Smith

That the Grand Master and Sovereign’s Report be accepted with thanks and printed and circulated in the Report of Proceedings. (Carried)




To the Most Worshipful Grand Master.
Officers and Members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada
Fredericton Inn. Fredericton. NB June 15th. 2022


Minutes of the Last Meeting

The Minutes of the meeting in Fredericton NB 2018 were, printed and distributed as per Rule 26 Constitution & Laws. The minutes from 2018 – 2020 were published in the Summer of 2020 and will be included in the correspondence file along with this report.


Message of Loyalty

Our Message of Loyalty was transmitted to Buckingham Palace in celebration of Her Majesty’s 96th Birthday during this the Platinum anniversary of Her reign, 70 years.


In Memoriam

During the past two years, Provincial Grand Lodge reports show us that members passed from among us. We can no longer see them as we did in life, but we remember the tributes which bear witness to their commitment and dedication to the Orange Association. To us from failing hands the torch is passed. Let us now pause as the Grand Chaplin leads us in prayer as we Remember them.


Sale of Real Property June 1st 2020 – May 31st 2022

In accordance with the requirements governing Real Property, as found in the Act of Incorporation, the Executive Committee, has authorized the following property sales.

Sold for $

.LOL 126 NL D                  July 14th 2020                    40,000.00           25% to GOLC balance to PGOL

.LOL 175 NL D                  August 24th 2020              10,500.00           25% to GOLC balance to PGOL

.LOL 184 OW D               October 19th 2020           10,917.73           Proceeds to GOLC

.LOL 254 OW D             December 18th 2020       35,000.00         25% to GOLC balance to LOL 432


.LOL 1799 NL D   January 26th 2021            1,500.00              Proceeds to PGOL

.LOL 113 NL D      May 11th 2021                   5,000.00              25% to GOLC balance to PGOL

.LOL 1231 OW     June 22nd 2021                  15,000.00           25% to GOLC balance to LOL 1231

.LOL 217 NL D      October 6th 2021              5,105.00              25% to GOLC balance to PGOL

.LOL 432 OW       October 12th 2021           410,000.00         25% to GOLC balance to LOL 432


Annual Password

The Orange Annual Passwords of 2022 for LOL –  LOBA was received from the Imperial Secretary Nov. 17th 2021, and was transmitted to all jurisdictions.


O.Y.B. Password

The 2022 Annual Password for the L.O.Y.B.A. was selected by the M. W. Grand Master of Canada, and transmitted to the Provincial Grand Lodges in which they function, by the Grand Secretary of Canada.


The Sentinel

The Sentinel which is printed by Britannia Printers Canada Inc. is published by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada. As Editor, I say a big heartfelt thank-you to all those who have sent donations, they are much appreciated, and please understand that if your item did not get included it was a matter of space and timing, and we endeavor to include the item in the next issue.

It is noted that we are seeing longer times to publish, this has been due to lower number of articles which is a reflection of the COVID shutdown, hopefully, with Lodges becoming active we can get back on track, and, provided that I am asked to remain as Editor the next issue with publish in August which will hopefully include all 12th of July and Parade items, and, if necessary, we will go to 16 pages so that we can include all your pictures and articles.

The Sentinel is the lifeline which connects our membership from coast to coast and I will be trying to get more email addresses to which the Sentinel can be sent at no cost. We are also removing subscription costs of the limited subscriptions that we send too. Those subscribing will still receive the Sentinel at no cost. The more we can include the better our news will spread.

You will also have noted that we now include the Royal Black Inst. Which can have two pages in each issue.

We are also found on the Grand Lodge website, at Please ensure that your news and pictures are sent in, and remember, no story is too insignificant to publish.

All LOL, LOBA, LTB, and RBI Lodges receive one complimentary copy which is sent to the Recording Secretary. It is very important to advise me when a new Brother is elected to that office, given that if you don’t, the Sentinel will continue to be sent to the address of the previous Secretary. Also ensure you send contact info for any new initiates.


All essential correspondence has been placed in the committee folder and will be dealt with as the committee makes their report to the sessions.


Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic the office of the Grand Secretary, and Headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Canada and “The Sentinel”, have been located at my residence, and I have continued to work offsite using electronic media and files which I moved prior to the lockdown.

The Internet

The GOL Canada website is administered by the office of the Grand Secretary of Canada. We try to include editions of the GOL USA magazine the “Orangeman”, GOL Scotland’s “Torch” as well as the “Sentinel”. Forms for the Dominic DiStasi Bursary for Post-Secondary Studies are also available on our website, with the closing date for applications to be received being November 1st of the current year. (These can now be sent directly from the website to the Grand Secretary).

Reporting forms for all levels of our association on our website and are accepted without the Seal (unless you have it in electronic form) all lodges are now required to use them. For those Lodges who do not have computer possibility, forms which can be done by hand are available from the Grand Secretary’s Office.

New Items

New booklets are not completed for the Orange – Blue – and RAP. These were developed for New Members, and are to be given to Candidates when they have taken the Degree in question. The booklets all contain a Congratulatory message – General Instructions – Instructions for New Members – Honour – Gavel use – Lecture of the Degree. Once a member reaches the Royal Scarlet, he can avail himself of the Decoded lecture book which carries information on all 4 Degrees, and return the booklets to his Lodge for the next New Member. At this time the Grand Lodge has not applied a price to these booklets, as we feel that anything which help new members gain better understanding of the Association should come at no cost.

The Future

Looking to our future, we must be concerned as to our membership numbers, and what we can do to change the trend. In the fall of 2018, the GOLC gathered together members from across Canada and formed a “Membership Initiative” this was given to all Provincial Lodges in hope that they might implement some of the program which focused on the simple premise of “Asking people to join us”.  It would seem that the COVID pandemic prevented this from happening. It remains my hope that members will pick this initiative up and use it for the benefit of their Lodges. Simple thing to remember is the only people who can get new members for your Lodge, are the Members of your own Lodge.


In Closing

I have to say that due to developing potential health issues, this will be my last report to you as Grand Secretary of Canada.  This will mean that sometime tomorrow you will elect a new Grand Secretary, simple advice is don’t walk in anybody else’s footprints! MAKE YOUR OWN.

As a preparation for this transition for this transition which I now know will take place, I have taken the following steps.

. A flash drive has been created with items which will be needed by the incoming Grand Secretary which contains all forms and certificates and will be given to the incoming Grand Secretary. The new Grand Secretary will also take charge of items in use at these Sessions, which are, the Bible – Flags – Gavels, GOLC Seal, and Regalia for officers at this meeting. (Tylers X 2 Dep. Lect X 1) and the facsimile of the Warrant and Her Majesty. It will be noted that the original Grand Lodge Warrant hangs in the boardroom at Orange Ins. He will also take charge of all reports and paper material which will be needed to produce a report of these proceedings.

All items/material which relate to the Grand Secretary’s Office have been placed in Sealed banker boxes, which include, remaining stock of Rituals – C & Laws – New Member Booklets all of which are printed by Britannia Printers and are usually ordered in lots of 50. Also included are past GOLC and PGOL reports, (incomplete) and Decoded Lecture Books. Other items include GOLC Pins, Service Pins, Flags (Large & Small) Ties – Hats – A. Muir Stamps – window decals – King William Picture – Leaders of the Reformation – Orangeism Its Roots and Branches.

All of the above have been placed in the custody of MW. Bro. J. Pyke Grand Marshal & Historian and are identified as being held secure (separate from his own private collection) for the incoming Grand Secretary to avail himself of or not. (This will require discussion with MW. Bro. Pyke).


It has been a distinct honour for me to have served as your Grand Secretary for the past 20 years, an experience which will always stay with me. MW. Bro. Bill Johnston asked me to take the job on I will always feel a closeness to him for doing so, thanks Bill.

I have also been privileged to have worked with successive executives and elected officers of the Grand Lodge, who have worked hard over the years as teams doing the business of our Association, did we always get it right? Perhaps, perhaps not, but what we did do was make decisions which were based on the values of our Association, and embraced all that those values mean, which for me will always remain as being Faith, Truth, Honour, and Brotherhood.


God Save the Queen

And God Bless our Association

Respectfully Submitted

John D. Chalmers. Grand Secretary

Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.


Moved by: Bro. Calvin Yeo

Seconded by: Bro. Clyde Crane

That the Report of the M. W. Grand Secretary be received with thanks and the Report be printed in the Report of Proceedings. (Carried)





The Grand Orange Lodge of British America

Treasurer’s Report 2022


Attached herewith are the financial reports for the years 2020 and 2021. The Financial Statement for 2018 and 2019 have been published by way of the Sentinel.

I would be remiss in my report if I did not point out some things that have recently developed or are currently being followed. These items are matters that will have to be handled by the incoming executive and they are issues that could potentially have major impacts on our future financial condition.

Firstly, a primary Lodge in Ontario West has sold their property without permission from Grand Lodge. The Sale price was $9 000 000.00 and we have started litigation proceedings to recover the 25%  owed to GOLC.

Secondly, we have begun discussions with the management of our Orange Benefit Fund to repatriate the $825 000.00 which was transferred to that entity, some years ago. This will need to be followed up on and brought to a conclusion.


Thirdly, there has been considerable discussion regarding the possibility of divesting ourselves from a portion of ownership of the insurance branch and this also will need to be continued.


I wish everyone of you, my personal best wishes and the best of luck in the years ahead.


Respectfully Submitted by

Roy Dawe

Grand Treasurer







Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

Profit & Loss

January Through December 2020

                                                                                                                                January –  December 2020

Ordinary Income/Expense


Donations Received                                                                           700.00

Provincial Capitations                                                                   1,104.00

Sale of Properties                                                                          10,696.42

Sale of Supplies                                                                                   672.00

Sentinel Subscriptions                                                                        90.00

Unrealized Investment gain (Loss)                                           7,363.51

Total Income                                                                                      20,625.93

Gross Profit                                                                                        20,625.93



Bank Service Charges                                                                      0.00

Executive Meetings Travel                                                       2,694.23

Grand Master’s Office                                                                   800.00

Grand Secretary Allowance                                                    5,000.00

Grand Treasurer’s Office                                                          1,400.00

Imperial Council Dues                                                                   87.65

Legal                                                                                                  6,317.48

Office and general                                                                       6,165.33

Postage                                                                                               235.34

Sentinel                                                                                            3,881.40

Sentinel Allowance                                                                   5,000.00

Space Rental Self Storage                                                        4,017.00

Travel Expense Sessions                                                          3,625.98

Web Site Maintenance                                                                 423.52

Total Expense                                                                            – 39,648.08

Net Ordinary Income                                                             (-19,022.15)

Net Income                                                                                 (-19,022.15)


Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2020


December 31, 2020


Current Assets


TD Bank Acct GOL of Canada                                                  37,483.88

Total Chequing/Savings                                                           37,483.88


Other Current Assets

Investments                                                                                  182,597.80

Total Other Current Assets                                                      182,597.80

Total Current Assets                                                                    220,081.68

Fixed Assets (Land)                                                                        97,402.00

Total Fixed Assets                                                                            97,402.00

Other Assets

Security Deposits Asset                                                                  20,038.10

Total other Assets                                                                              20,038.10

Total Assets                                                                                         337,521.78


Liabilities & Equity


Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

Imperial Council Accrual                                                                   1,800.00

Total Current Liabilities                                                                      1,800.00

Total Liabilities                                                                                       1,800.00



Opening Balance Equity                                                                     182,202.27

Unrestricted Net Assets                                                                     172,541.66

Net Income                                                                                                 -19,022.15

Total Equity                                                                                              335,721.78


Total Liabilities & Equity                                                                     337,521.78

Grand Lodge of Canada

Profit & Loss

January through December 2021

Jan – Dec 2021

Ordinary Income/Expense


Donations Received                                                                             500.00

Investments Earnings                                                                         396.34

Liability Insurance Collections                                                      3,500.00

Sale of Properties                                                                           110,025.53

Sale of Supplies                                                                                    1,257.00

Unrealized Investment Gain (Loss)                                              21,933.24

Total Income                                                                                       137,612.11

Gross Profit                                                                                         137,612.11



Bank Service Charges                                                                             13.92

Bursaries                                                                                                1,000.00

Donations                                                                                                500.00

Executive Meetings Travel                                                                177.00

Grand Master’s Office                                                                         800.00

Grand Secretary Allowance                                                           5,000.00

Grand Treasurer’s Office                                                                 1,400.00

Imperial Council Dues                                                                         420.32

Imperial Council Travel                                                                    3,600.00

Legal                                                                                                         1,005.70

Office and General                                                                              6,409.82

Postage                                                                                                      551.58

Sentinel                                                                                                   5,846.40

Sentinel Allowance                                                                            5,000.00

Space Rental Self Storage                                                               4, 344.90

Travel Expense Sessions                                                                 -1,005.04

Web Site Maintenance                                                                          158.20

Total Expense                                                                                       35,222.80

Net Ordinary Income                                                                       102,389.31

Net Income                                                                                           102,389.31




Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

Balance Sheet

As of December 31 2021

                                                                                                                        December 31, 2021


Current Assets


TD Bank Account GOLofCanada                                                                96,617.30

Total Chequing/Savings                                                                                96,617.30

Other Current Assets

Investments GOL                                                                                            229,416.98

Total Other Current Assets                                                                         229,416.98

Total Current Assets                                                                                      326,034.28

Fixed Assets (Land)                                                                                          97,402.00

Total Fixed Assets                                                                                             97,402.00

Other Assets

Security Deposit Asset                                                                                   20,074.81

Total Other Assets                                                                                            20,074.81

Total Assets                                                                                                     443,511.09


Liabilities & Equity


Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

Imperial Council Accrual                                                                                    5,400.00

Total Other Current Liabilities                                                                          5,400.00

Total Current Liabilities                                                                                       5,400.00


Opening Balance Equity                                                                                  182,202.27

Unrestricted Net Assets                                                                                   153,519.51

Net Income                                                                                                            102,389.31

Total Equity                                                                                                           438,111.09

Total Liabilities & Equity                                                                                  443,511.09


Moved by: Roy Dawe

Seconded by: John Chalmers

That the Report of the Most Worshipful Grand Treasurer of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada be received and forwarded to the Finance Committee. (Carried)





The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund

CEO Report to Insurance Committee

June 2022

The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada’s insurance operations are conducted under the operating name The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund. The insurance operation of The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada was established for the purpose of assisting lodge members, their spouses, children, and other appointed beneficiaries in their time of need. The insurance operation continues today to provide insurance protection and basic wealth management products to members at competitive rates across the country including such products as enhanced whole life, term life, guaranteed issue, and legacy insurance products as well as basic wealth accumulation annuities.

As the Chief Executive Officer of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund I am pleased to submit this report to the insurance Committee. The report is designed to provide an update around the operations and results of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund since the last Grand Orange Lodge of Canada Sessions in June of 2018.

By way of background, I have been the Chief Executive Officer sine December 13, 2015, and prior to my appointment as Chief Executive Officer I was on the Board of Directors of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund for over 10 years and for a significant portion of that time also acted as the Chair of its Audit and Finance Committee.

The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund is regulated by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (“OSFI”), an agent of the federal government of Canada. As such, the Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund is required by law to maintain a requisite level of regulatory capital to ensure that the operations can continue as a going concern for the foreseeable future to meet its obligations to the policyholders and members of The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund is overseen and governed by a Board of Directors. The Current directors and their year of appointment are listed below.

Board Member                                  Year of Appointment

Steven Willard                                                    2003

Gerald Budden                                                  2004

Michael Strain                                                   2005

Art Duncan                                                         2006

Roy Dawe                                                            2007

John Chalmers                                                   2015

Don Wilson                                                         2016

Paul Tyers                                                            2019

Lynn Shire                                                            2020

Sharon Giffen                                                     2022

Trevor Parry                                                        2022


Since the last Grand Orange Lodge of Canada session in 2018 four new directors have been appointed. These four individuals are accomplished professionals who bring extensive technical and industry knowledge along with networks that will assist The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund in achieving its business objectives while ensuring that the appropriate rigor around corporate governance is in place. One of these four individuals is a member of The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada and the total number of members on the Board is now Currently 8 of 11 or 73%.


The management team remains the same with Michael Strain being the CEO and Tara Sadler being the CFO. Michael and Tara are professional accountants each with over 20 years experience in the financial services industry. There are three full time staff members dedicated to sales and policyholder administration. The investment management and actuarial services remain outsourced and those key external service providers are Rae Lipskie Investment Counsel in Waterloo and Warden Zaluski Consulting Actuaries Ltd. In Winnipeg respectively.


The Board of Directors and the management team have developed and are fully committed to and are engaged in the execution of a business plan that addresses short – medium – and long-term goals for the insurance operation that are realistic and achievable. Given the current challenges including significant geo-political unrest globally, levels of inflation that suggest to some we may be heading to a recession or stagflation, remaining in the midst of a global pandemic, the implementation of the most complex and over reaching accounting standard that the insurance industry has ever seen with the unknowns from that are innumerable, a new regulatory capital standard, interest rates that are rising, supply chains that are challenged and many other risks the execution of the business plan is challenging and must be approached in a prudent and patient manner.


Management and the Board of Directors have been and will continue to be in frequent contact with OSFI to ensure that they are aware of and where appropriate approve all steps that we wish to undertake to sustain and hopefully grow the insurance operations and ensure it is there to protect our policyholders and members and allow The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada to fulfill its fraternal obligations. The focus of the business plan is to increase profitable sales, reduce and contain costs and to ensure optimal levels of capital remain in place. Over the last four years significant process has been made on all three fronts and as such strong financial results have been achieved. The key performance indicators are presented in the following table:


Orange Benefit Fund

Key Performance Indications

2018 to 2022


Year Ending     Year Ending     Year Ending     Year Ending     Three Months Ending      Annualized

2018                  2019               2020                 2021           2022                               2022

Premium Income 1,380,526     1,442,505      1,672,610      2,063,024  530,363                 2,121,452

Operating Expenses 1,103,486     1,138,303    1,102,465   1,106,548   272,700               1,090,800

Death Claims              1,093,911     1,250,877     1,531,128     1,315,961  235,993                 943,972

Net Income                   264,409         438,487          242,340       222,004    268,659                         n/a

Regulatory Capital   5,480,000     5,907,00      5,824,000    6,189,000  6,522,000                        n/a


Annual Sales

(Number of Policies)       159             301             475               561*              143                                    572


*Includes 64 policies sold as part of Ontario West Initiative


Sales, both in terms of top line premium income and total annual sales of policies, have increased each year and the results for the three months ending March 31, 2022, show that trend continuing.


Operating expenses, which consists mainly of salaries and benefits, professional and compliance, and miscellaneous office expenses, have remained well managed at the $1.1 million level after significant cost cutting initiative starting in December 2015 which was designed to bring operating expenses under control and allow more optimal uses of resources. This initiative has resulted in improved unit expenses in the actuarial valuation and a related reduction in actuarial liabilities. Net income has been positive each year, which is a main goal and that in turn has allowed the regulatory capital to also grow and stay above the OSFI mandated minimum of $5 million. Death claims are obviously not manageable or predictable but are provided to demonstrate how much is paid out to support the beneficiaries of our policyholders and members.


The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund has received clean reports from our independent auditor and appointed actuary for all the years ended above and the relationship with OSFI is at its strongest point in the 17 years I have been involved.


As such I want to ensure the members that the insurance operation is adequately capitalized with ample liquidity and is well positioned to meet the needs of our policyholders. The road ahead remains challenging but with the detailed and realistic business plan, a conservative risk appetite statement, appropriate qualified management in place, a fully engaged and active Board, and the support of the appropriate external professional advisers we are optimistic that this will continue to be the case.


The current key areas of focus and priority at The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund includes the following:


  • Successful implementation of new accounting standard which will be effective for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023.
  • Closing Assumption Reinsurance Transaction under which The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund will assume a block of business from another fraternal benefit society.
  • Discussions around repatriation of capital to fraternal operations.
  • Ensuring a suite of competitive, marketable, and profitable products are offered that meet the needs of changing demographics.
  • Planning for long term strategic options to responsibly grow The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund.
  • Achieve further progress on sales, operating expense, and regulatory capital strategic objectives.


The state of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund is currently strong but with new and emerging risks it is essential that the focus remain on ensuring strong capitalization to be able to manage unexpected adverse challenges and still fulfill the needs of the current policyholders and members.


Respectfully Submitted:



Michael Strain

Chief Executive Officer



Moved by: Roy Dawe

Seconded by: Jim Pyke

That the Report of the Orange Benefit Fund be accepted and printed in the Report of Proceedings. (Carried)


Fredericton Inn, NB

Grand Orange Council Meeting

June 13, 2022

The meeting opened at 7:00 PM with The Most Worshipful Grand Master Don Wilson presiding.

  1. All self introduced themselves around the table
  2. Grand Master of Ontario East Calvin Yeo explained how a presentation was done to depict a particular Orange Lodge Room. It is a three-dimensional system that can be used to archive items and documents and each item clicked can give detailed access to the particular object; cost of hosting a site/program would be approximately $1000 per year.
  3. Welcome by the Grand Master
  4. Opening prayer was delivered by the Grand Secretary of Ontario West Bro. Michael Thomas.
  5. Report of the Grand Secretary John Chalmers to the Grand Council, read by Bro. Chalmers. Grand Master reported on excellent work having been done by Bro Ryan Campbell in gaining considerable new members in the Coulton County area.


Some good discussion on the value of marking updated to our website so that it remains higher on the recall lists for the public on Google and other search engines.

Recommendation Ian Gillespie ask if in future to please distribute all executive rule amendments be distributed to each provincial secretary.


  1. Appointments by the Grand Master were announced Bro James Allen, will be the Acting Deputy Grand Master .
  2. The Grand Treasurer gave a synopsis of our current financial situation.
  3. Verbal Reports were given by each Provincial Jurisdiction.
  4. Discussion on a notice of motion and decision that it would not go forward.


From Ontario East Queen’s Jubilee BBQ tomorrow (June 14th) night Hamburgers and Hot Dogs bring your own refreshments.


Moved by: Roy Dawe

Seconded by: John Chalmers

That the report of the Grand Council be adopted as presented. (Carried)


Grand Lodge Honors

Grand Lodge Honors was extended to Past Grand Masters of Canada

  1. W. Bro. William Johnston
  2. W. Bro. Roy Dawe
  3. W. Bro. Gerald Budden



Provincial Grand Masters

Western Canada                      R. W. Bro. Robert Short

Ontario West                           R. W. Bro. Ian Gillespie

Ontario East                            R. W. Bro. Calvin Yeo

New Brunswick                        R. W. Bro. Frederick Williams

Newfoundland &Labrador      R. W. Bro. Donald Smith


Fraternal Greetings received from D Griffin


Meeting Adjourned for the day.


Thursday 16th June


Meeting opened from adjournment; Reading from Scripture.


Motion to adopt minutes of the preceding day:




Greetings from the Grand Master of the Royal Black Institute of Canada was presented by the M. W. Grand Master of the Royal Black Institute of Canada Sir Knight Bruce Penny.


Moved by: R. W. Bro. Sean Allen

Seconded by: R. W. Bro Robert Short

That the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada accept the Greetings from the Grand Master of the Royal Black Institute of Canada as read. (Carried)



Resolutions Committee Report

To the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Officers & Members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

Most Worshipful Sir & Brethren, we your committee on resolutions beg leave to report as follows:

  1. be it resolved that the brethren of the grand orange lodge of Canada, assembled in the city of Fredericton, in the province of New Brunswick, on the occasion harbor 181st annual sessions, reaffirm our loyalty to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of Canada, in her jubilee year. Long may she continue to reign.
  2. Be it resolved that the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada expresses our hearty congratulations to the organizing committee both from the national and provincial levels for a job well done in planning these glorious sessions at the Fredericton Inn in Fredericton NB.
  3. Be it resolved that the grand orange lodge of Canada expresses our appreciation to Reverend Dan McDonald and the Right Worshipful Brother Michael Thomas for conducting the divine church service.
  4. Be it resolved that the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada express our thanks to the Fredericton in and staff for the excellent service during the sessions.
  5. Be resolved that we continue to support the efforts of all international orange members in their battles to maintain civil and religious freedoms whenever and wherever threatened, and that we continue our efforts to promote the principles and values of the Protestant faith.
  6. Be it resolved that we express our gratitude to the outgoing officers of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada for their devoted support to this association.
  7. Be it resolved that we express our ongoing support of our Canadian Forces whither they be at home or abroad.
  8. Be it resolved that this Grand Body congratulate the County of Toronto and Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West for their initiative to celebrate the 200th annual parade in the city of Toronto.
  9. Be it resolved that the members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada urge the current Canadian government to continue its work in supporting the defence efforts of the Ukrainian people.


Respectfully submitted by your Resolutions Committee:

Right Worshipful Bro. Donald C. Smith

Most Worshipful Bro. Richard Heatherington

Right Worshipful Bro. Ross Davidson

Right Worshipful Bro. Ian Gillespie


Moved by: Most Worshipful Bro. Richard Heatherington

Seconded by: Right Worshipful Bro. Ross Davidson

That the report of the Resolutions Committee be adopted as presented. (Carried)













Election of Officers for the Coming Term:


Grand Master                                      Bro. Donald Wilson

Deputy Grand Master                         Bro. Richard Heatherington

Grand Secretary                                  Bro. Sean Allen

Grand Treasurer                                  Bro. Adrien Cotter

Grand Chaplin                                     Bro. Daniel MacDonald

Grand Marshal                                    Bro. Norman Nelson

Grand Lecturer                                    Bro. Richard Glover


Moved by: Bro. Gordon Morgan

Seconded by: Bro. Robert Short

That the ballots be destroyed. (Carried)


Most Worshipful Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

Finance Committee Report/Expense Review/Proposed Budget 2022/Review of Assets Liabilities


January to December                      Actual 2020        Actual 2021        Proposed 2022  Actual 2022


Donations                               $700.0                  $500.00                                                                                         Provincial Capitation   $1,104.00                   –                          $20,000.00

Investment Earnings                                           $396.34                    $600.00

Liability Insurance Collected                        $3,500.00                $2,100.00

Sale of Properties             $10,696.42         $110,025.53

Sale of Supplies                       $672.00             $1,257.00              $1,500.00

Sentinel Subscriptions            $90.00                        –

Unrealized Investment Gain (Loss)

$7,363.51         $21,933.24         –  $8,000.00

Total Income                          $20,625.93    $137,612.11           $16,200.00


Gross Profit                            $20,625.93      $137,612.11         $16,200.00



Bank Service charges                      –                                      $13.92            $200.00

Bursaries                                                                                  $1,000.00

Donations/Charity                                                                   $500.00      $10,000.00

Promotion                                                                                                          $10,000.00

Executive Meetings Travel                  $2,694.23             $177.00           $3,000.00

Directors/Officer Liability Ins.                                                                        $2,000.00

Grand Master’s Office                                $800.00                $800.00             $800.00

Grand Secretary Allowance                $5,000.00             $5,000.00         $5,000.00

Grand Treasurer’s Office                     $1,400.00              $1,400.00        $1,400.00

Imperial Council Dues                                $87.65                $420.32             $400.00

Imperial Council Travel                                                            $3,600.00                 –

Legal                                                           $6,317.48              $1,005.70      $100,000.00

Office and General                                $6,165.33              $6,409.82          $5,000.00

Postage                                                         $235.34                 $551.58             $900.00

Sentinel                                                     $3,881.40              $5,846.40          $4,500.00

Sentinel Allowance                               $5,000.00              $5,000.00          $5,000.00

Rental Space Self Storage                   $4,017.15              $4,344.90          $2,300.00

Travel Expense Sessions                      $3,625.98          –   $1,005.04          $8,000.00

Biennial Session Expenses                                                                                  $12,000.00

Website Maintenance                            $423.98                   $158.20              $500.00


Total Expenses                                       $39,648.08            $35,222.80      $171,000.00

Minus Income                                       -$20,625.93       –  $137,612.11    –  $16,200.00

Surplus (Loss)                                        $19,022.15          $102,389.31     ($154,800.00)



Most Worshipful Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

Finance Committee Report/Expense Review/Proposed Budget 2022/Review of Assets Liabilities


Assets                                                                        2020                                                                2021

Current Assets

Chequing Savings

TD Bank Account GOLOC               $37,483.88                                              $96,617.30


Total Chequing Savings                  $37,483.88                                              $96,617.30


Other Current Assets

Investments GOL                         $182,596.80                                              $229,416.98


Total Current Assets                      $220,081.68                                            $326,034.28


Fixed Assets

Land                                                      $97,402.00                                                $97,402.00


Security Deposits                                $20,038.10                                                $20,074.81


Total Assets                                         $337,521.78                                                 $443,511.09



Liabilities & Equity


Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

Imperial Council                           $1,800.00                                                                         $5,400.00

Total Liabilities                              $1,800.00                                                                         $5,400.00




Opening Balance Equity         $182,202.27                                                   $182,202.27

Unrestricted Net Assets         $172,541.15                                                   $153,519.51

Net Income                                 – $19,022.15                                                   $102,389.31

Total                                             $335,721.78                                                    $438,111.09


Total Liabilities & Equities                                                                                                    $443,511.09



Moved by: Bro. Donald Guy

Seconded by: Bro. Frederick Williams

That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted as presented/amended. (Carried)


Correspondence Committee Report:

To the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Most Worshipful Offices and members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.


We your committee on correspondence would like to report that we have reviewed all materials handed to us, including correspondence from the Imperial Orange Council, Loyal Orange Institution of Australia, Provincial Grand Lodges, Primary Lodges also for general inquiries.


We therefore find that all communications are in good order.


Moved by: Bro. Sean Allen

Seconded by: Bro. Dennis Glazier

That the report on correspondence be accepted as read and printed in the Report of Proceedings. (Carried)


An Appeal from Newfoundland and Labrador was entertained on the Grand Lodge Floor concerning a young member very sick.


Moved by: Bro. Jim Pyke

Seconded by: Bro. Alex Colvin

That the motion to donate $1000 be increased to $5000. (Carried)


Moved by: Bro. Robert Short

Seconded by: Bro. Sean Allen

That the hat be passed around for the Brother in need (Bro. Trevor Smith Chosen Few LOL # 153 of Tilton Newfoundland & Labrador). (Carried)


Nothing to report.

Moved by: Bro. Calvin Yeo

Seconded by: Bro. Mark Aiken

That the report of the Suspensions & Expulsions Committee be accepted as presented. (Carried)


Orange Insurance Committee Report


To the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Officers and Brethren assembled in Fredericton NB.


We, your committee on Orange Insurance, have reviewed the report and update received from Bro. Michael Strain, and read yesterday morning by the Most Worshipful Bro. Roy Dawe.


We commend Bro. Michael strain, CEO of the Orange Benevolent Foundation for his dedication and work in managing the operations of our insurance entity and we are delighted to learn that there has been a tremendous turn around in the operating results of that company.


We recommend that the report be adopted as presented and printed in the Journal of Proceedings. Respectfully submitted by brothers Roy Dawe, Jim Pyke, & James Allen.


Moved by: James Pyke

Seconded by: James Allen

That the Report of the Orange Insurance Committee be adopted and printed in the Journal of Proceedings. (Carried)


Notices of motion to be dealt with in 2022


Words in italic are the rule as it is currently written

Words Highlighted with Strikethrough are deleted

Words in BOLD CAPS are added

(Secretary’s note each of the proposed changes of Constitution and Laws were delt with individually)


From the Provincial Grand Lodge of Newfoundland Labrador Constitution and Laws Committee


Refiled from 2016 with the correct rule number (56)


The rule 56 Constitution and Laws who shall compose the provincial grand lodges be amended as follows.

Who shall compose the Provincial Grand Lodges


56 Provincial Grand Lodges shall be composed of their officers; Past Grand Masters; Past Provincial Grand Masters; Past Provincial Grand Officers; Past Provincial Grand Masters who have held office for one consecutive year; County and District Masters; Commanders of Scarlet Chapters (or in his absence of Deputy Commander, and in his absence of duly appointed proxy who must be a member of the Chapter and in good standing in the Primary Orange Lodge); Past County and District Masters; and Past Commanders of Scarlet Chapters, and Masters and Past Masters of Primary Lodges; and the Secretary of the Insurance Department of the Grand Lodge, subject to the restrictions provided in section rule 6. When the master of the county, district or primary lodge is absent, or being present, votes in some other capacity, the deputy master of such Lodge may represent it; and, in the absence of the Master and Deputy Master, then a proxy duly appointed in open Lodge, who must be a member of such Lodge, may represent it; AND SHALL BE ENTITLED TO SIT AND VOTE, BUT MAY NOT RUN NOR HOLD OFFICE UNLESS OTHERWISE QUALIFIED (all members of Provincial Grand Lodges shall have the Royal Scarlet Degree), and shall be members in good standing in a Primary Lodge. Provincial Grand Lodges with a membership of 500 or less and whose members are in possession of the Royal Scarlet Degree, shall be entitled to sit, vote and hold office in such Provincial Grand Lodges. (Subject to the terms of Rule # 59)


(Above proposed change was accepted by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada)




From the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario East.


(A) Biennial Meeting

That rule 7 Constitution and Laws of the Loyal Orange Association of British America be amended to read

  1. The Grand Lodge shall meet in the month of June every two years YEAR accept as hereinafter provided, at such place as shall be fixed upon add to preceding Biennial ANNUAL meeting, except in a case of emergency, when the Grand Master, with the consent of the Grand Lodge Executive, and two thirds of the Provincial Grand Masters, may change the place of meeting.

(Above proposed change was rejected by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada)



We felt it would be in the best interest of the Orange Order in Canada that the Grand Lodge should meet on an annual basis;

Two years is too longa time lapse to address current and ongoing issues within our country and our association.

It is our belief two years is too long between meetings to discuss current issues affecting the Orange Association.



Be it resolved that the annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada be held in every Provincial Jurisdiction on a rotating basis.


(The above change to the constitution and laws was Accepted by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada)



Many members within our jurisdiction find it difficult to arrange travel to the eastern provinces for each Grand Lodge Session. As such it is our feeling that decisions pertaining to the Orange Order are being made without contribution from all areas of the country.


Meetings within each Provincial Jurisdiction would provide opportunity for each Province to showcase the history and geography of our great nation.



Notice of Motion From the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East


Re: Reduce Capitation

Be it resolved that the capitation tax charged by the Grand Lodge of Canada to each reported member be reduced by $2.00 to bring total capitation to each reported member to $7.00.


(The Above change was rejected by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada)



All Primary Lodges are suffering with fewer members therefore less income. A reduction in capitation could be a source of financial help.


Re: Remove Rule 155 from the Constitution and Laws

Be it resolved that rule # 155 of the Constitution and Laws be deleted and therefore require all members to pay all dues as required.



  1. Whereas rule # 155 of the Constitution and Laws states that life membership may be conferred on any member in good standing upon an agreed fee;


  1. Whereas the Primary Lodges shall be responsible for and pay over dues and capitation to superior lodges provided that Life Member continue to be accounted for in the annual returns.


  1. Whereas the Life Member of a Primary Lodge which becomes dormant shall be given special dispensation from the Grand Master to affiliate with another lodge and the member so affiliating shall be exempted from payment of lodge dues or capitation and the primary lodge shall be exempted from paying capitation to superior lodges on behalf of such member.


4 Whereas the dues and capitation paid by each member is required for operating expenses of the Primary Lodge and all superior lodges.


(The above change to the Constitution and Laws was accepted by Grand Orange Lodge of Canada)


Moved by: Bro. Gerald Budden

Seconded by: Bro. Roy Dawe

That the report presented concerning Constitution and Laws of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada be accepted. (Carried)




Moved by: Bro. Gerald Budden

Seconded by: Bro. Roy Dawe

That Rule# 155 Any member who already has Life Membership will not be affected by the deletion of Rule# 155 (Carried)


Moved by: Bro. Mark Aiken

Seconded by: Bro. Donald Guy

That the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada @ $20.00 purchase 200th Toronto Polo Shirts to distribute to the members present. (Carried)


Moved by: Bro. Mark Alexander

Seconded by: Bro. Dennis Glazier

That Future Most Worshipful Grand Orange Lodge sessions have delegate packages upon registration of all officers, reports, and agenda for upcoming meetings. It could also be possibly emailed to pre-registered delegates. (Carried)


Moved by:  Bro. Roy Dawe

Seconded by: Bro. Donald C Smith

That the minutes be adopted as if read and printed and distributed in the Report of Proceedings. (Carried)


















                                       424 Regal Park NE, Calgary AB T2E 0S6

                                                                    Tel: (587) 917- 7262






Document  # 0102 – C


Given that, under the terms of the Act of Incorporation, power is given to the Executive of the Grand Lodge of Canada (hereinafter called the Association), to determine the manner in/by which property shall be dealt with, the following rules enacted by virtue of that power, do now apply to all Lodges having ownership of property in Canada.


All lodges having ownership  in property and/or real estate must supply a copy of the deed, or other evidence of ownership, to the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, office of the Grand Secretary, who shall keep them on file until such time as the lodge requests permission to sell their property / real estate


When a Primary, District, or County Lodge wishes to sell  real estate the following procedure must be followed.  (Otherwise the sale may be overturned and/or revoked by legal action  and/or those responsible for such illegal sale shall be held accountable)    


  1. Retain legal advice and real estate services to ensure the sale is accomplished without any

unforeseen complications and in a transparent manner.


  1. 2. When the decision to sell has been made, inform the Grand Lodge of Canada by writing to

the Grand Secretary of Canada under seal of your lodge.


3.. Once the property has been properly appraised and an offer has been received, inform the

Grand Lodge of Canada by writing to the Grand Secretary of Canada under seal of your lodge

with the following information.


  • Name and number of Lodge which is selling the property, also indicate the County and Provincial jurisdiction within which the Lodge meets.


  • Address, legal description, and location of property which is being sold.



  • Copy of the appraisal



  • Copy of the signed offer



  • Name and address of the buyer



  1. If the Grand Lodge Executive agrees to the proposed sale the Grand Secretary of Canada

will  issue the “Consent To Sell” documents and return same to the Lodge selling the property

for disposition.

4…Any closure costs, Legal and/or Real Estate fees incurred  (up to the closing date)  will be

deducted from the principal amount of the sale, and once expenses have been substantiated

with invoices 25% of the remaining amount will be forwarded to the Grand Lodge of British







25% will be paid to the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada as per Act of Incorporation of the Loyal Orange Association (rules governing property)


The 25% owing to Grand Lodge of Canada is not discounted by any mortgages or other arrangements made between the buyer and/or seller, and such 25% of net value must be paid in its entirety at the time of sale by certified funds


The remaining 75% of funds from the sale of property / real estate can/may be returned to the Lodge which sold the building or property to be invested in their own financial or banking institution.


If the Lodge which sold the building or property wishes, the GOLC will hold the 75% invested in trust, paying the Lodge up to an initial $5000.00 with annual interest paid on the investment.


Funds held by Provincial jurisdictions, which were the property of Primary and/or County Lodges which have been declared or considered dormant as per Rule #25 will be dealt with as follows


  • Funds held for/by an incorporated lodge will devolve to the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada 2 (two) years after it has been declared, or is considerate dormant as per Rule #25


  • Funds held for/by an unincorporated lodge, will devolve to the Provincial jurisdiction in which the Lodge was located 2 (two) years after it has been declared, or is considered dormant, as per Rule #25





All real property held under the auspices of the “Loyal Orange Lodge/Association or L.O.L. # is, by virtue of the Act of Incorporation under the authority of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America/Canada.


All sales transfer, or changes of ownership must be approved by the executive of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America. Any sales transfer, or change of ownership which have not received such approval will result in legal action being brought against all members of the lodge personally and the sale or transfer being declared illegal.


Purchasers of such illegal sales or transfers, who do not have legal title, may then, at their option, sue the members who sold the property, without following proper procedures.


This document # 0102-C is approved and enacted this 10th. Day of July 2019 by the executive committee of the Grand Lodge of British America by virtue of the Act of Incorporation, and does now apply to all jurisdictions in Canada.

(Document 0102-B is repealed.)































Primary Lodge Supplies


Honorary Membership…………………………………………………………………..


Resignation/Withdrawal……………………………………………………… $5.00 ea


Constitution & Laws………………………………………………………….. $10.00 ea

Decoded Lecture Books……………………………………………………….. $5.00 ea

(Cipher still required for passwords)



Bible Presentation Stickers… per dozen………………………………………. $2.00

Application for Admission

Notice of Meeting

Application for Affiliation

Application for Dual Membership

Application for Reinstatement

Funeral Service Hymn Cards


Lodge Seals……………………………………  ……………………………………… $75.00 ea

Rituals, (for each Degree)………………………………………….…………………… $2.00 ea

Rituals New Spiral Bound……………………………………………………………… $10.00 ea

Warrants, New, (Includes, initial supply)…………………………………………… $ 100.00 ea

Warrant renewal, (lost of destroyed)………………………………………………… $ 10.00 ea


Requests for Rituals and or the Decoded Lecture Book which contain the Secret Work of all Degrees, must bear the Seal of the Lodge, and be signed by the Worshipful Master & Recording Secretary.

Promotional Items


Alexander Muir Commemorative Stamp Sticker

$3.00 per 100             or         $25.00 per 1000

Canadian Orange Flag 6” X 10”…………………………………………. $ 4.00 ea

King William Colour Portrait 9” X 10” ………………………………… $ 10.00 ea

L.O.L. 5  —  10  — 25  — 35  — 50  — & 60 year service pins..…………… $ 10.00 ea

  1. O. L. Pins for all members…….…………………………………. $ 5.00 ea

Key Fob……….…………………………………………………………. $ 5.00 ea

Official Ties……………………………………………………………. $ 30.00 ea

Hats…(Navy)…..(Gray/Black)……………………………………….. Unavailable

Scarves…..(Ladies)…………………………………………………….. $ 30.00 ea




Wedding Anniversary…..(Any Year)……………………………………. $ 10.00 ea

Birthday Certificate………(Any Year)………………………………….. $ 10.00 ea

Recognition …..(Event/Commitment)…………………………………. $ 10.00 ea

Merit……………………………………………………………………….. $ 10.00 ea

Past Master Certificate…..(Members Only)……………………………. $ 10.00 ea

Royal Arch Purple Degree…..(Members Only)………………………… $ 10.00 ea

Royal Scarlet Certificate….(Members Only)……………….…………. $ 10.00 ea


Grand Master’s Certificate, awarded by the Grand Master for Special Occasions & Recognition


Literature Available

Orangeism in Canada Today. (Self Copy)……………………………….. No Charge

Leaders of The Reformation………………………………………………. $ 1.00 ea

Orangeism (It’s Roots & Branches)……………………………………….. $ 1.00 ea


Please Note

Some of the promotional items and literature are in short supply, and, as it becomes necessary to re-order, provided they are still available or if another supplier can be found, there may be price changes to some or all of the items listed above.



Office hours of the Grand Secretary’s Office: Tuesday to Friday 9 to 4 pm Mountain Time.

Office address:

424 Regal Park NE

Calgary, AB

T2E 0S6


**(Days that I am not in the office issues that are not an emergency will be dealt with during regular office hours)**